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The Seven Chakras and How They Relate To Our Wellbeing

The Seven Chakras

We have discussed the Chakras in our earlier posts to reveal what they are. Although there are many other chakras in our body and beyond our physical presence, we will focus on the seven main chakras in this post. What are they, how do they appear, and how do these chakras affect our lives when blocked, under-active, overactive, or active (open) balanced?

The Muladhara or Root (Base) Chakra 

This chakra is at the base or root of the spine.

The color associated with this chakra is ruby red or red. It represents the earth element, which allows us to stay grounded with our roots and connected with Mother Gaia (earth).

It also represents a sense of security, especially financially.

When this chakra is active or open and balanced, it gives us a sense of security, which means we will feel more supported, secure, grounded, calm, and peaceful within ourselves.

If it becomes under-active or blocked, it makes you feel fearful towards the unknown, distressed, unhappy, ungrounded, consistently focused on financial issues, insecure, and lack support. It also creates doubtful energies that do not allow you to trust yourself or others. The color of the root chakra may go muddy red or have a blackish tone if it is too densely impure or blocked. It may also contain energies from your past life or lives.

An under-active or blocked root chakra may bring fearfulness, anger, revenge, passion, violence, or frustration when things don't work well.

You may also experience too much materialism or job security issues, failure to harmonize relationships with family or friends, anxiety issues, emotional eating or eating disorders due to lack of support from family or friends.


An imbalanced root chakra may cause illness or diseases such as unwanted addictions, pain in knees, legs, and ankles, severe lower back pains, depression, obesity, sciatica, prostate cancer, piles, hypertension, frequent urination, hemorrhoids, money issues, kidney stones, rectal cancer, stomach problems, swelling in ankles, diseases related to blood and bones, colitis and cold feet. An overactive root chakra may lead to issues related to the bladder, constipation, fatigue, and anemia.

The beej mantra associated with this chakra is Lam.

The Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra

This chakra is 3 inches below our navel.

The color associated with this chakra is orange. It represents the water element, which allows us to feel connected with our relationships and express our emotions.

This chakra is associated with pleasure and enjoyment, especially sexual pleasure. It also connects us with our sexuality or expression of sexuality, emotions, intimacy, and sensuality.

When this chakra is active or open and balanced, it lets us liberate and express our emotions and sexuality without getting overwhelmed or carried away.

An under-active or blocked sacral chakra may lead to a sense of unemotional being, not being open or expressive in emotions, sensuality, or pleasure.

An imbalanced sacral chakra may also lead to a lack of passion, guilt, anxiety, less creativity, relationship issues, obsessive or compulsive behavior, fears of intimacy, and sex addiction. It can further cause illnesses such as backaches, addiction to alcohol, junk food, bed-wetting, bladder, creative blocks, menstrual problems, fibroids, kidney problems, ovarian cysts, impotence, overeating, prostate diseases, testicular diseases, vomiting, womb problems, feelings of unworthiness and less enjoyment in life's daily pleasures or happiness.

An overactive sacral chakra gives the feeling of too much emotional and sensitive being, disturbed relationships, self-sabotaging thoughts, and a cautious approach towards physical appearance.

The beej mantra associated with this chakra is Vam.

The Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra

This chakra is 3 inches above our navel.


The color associated with this chakra is yellow. It represents the fire element, which allows us to feel confident, disciplined, and dedicated (willpower) towards our goals and desires, especially job or career-related. It also represents the core of one's personality, identity, and ego.

It is one's 'personal' power.

When this chakra is active or open, you will feel more confident, in control of your actions, boosted with positive energy, have self-respect, be responsible, and be reliable.

An under-active or blocked Solar Plexus Chakra makes one passive (inactive), indecisive, anxious, fearful, doubtful, and less confident, not taking appropriate actions to direct their lives to achieve their goals.

An imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra leads to feelings of shame, power, desire, fear, guilt, self-worth issues, choices of selfhood, fear of rejection, oversensitive to criticism, caution about the opinions of others, and self-judgments. It also causes low self-esteem, pessimism, inferiority complex, emotional sensitivity, victimhood, fear of taking risks, inability to relax, blame game, sarcasm, confusion, lack of intellect, lack of being proactive, and lack of courage.

An overactive solar plexus chakra creates feelings of being bossy, compulsive behaviors, and aggression.

The beej mantra associated with this chakra is Ram.

The Anahata or Heart Chakra

This chakra is at the heart center.

The color associated with this chakra is Emerald Green, which represents the air element, love, peace, and compassion. When you emit love and compassion energies, this chakra sends the Emerald Green Light energies when you need self-love. It receives and also represents the Ruby Pink color, so sometimes it is half green and half pink as both light energies associate and resides in this chakra.

It is the source of your deep connection to yourself and others, unconditional love, generosity, care and compassion, kindness, and respect for yourself and others.

When this chakra is active or open, you have feelings of self-love and loving compassion towards others. It is about attachment, caring, and nurturing because love is the essence of our existence and all spiritual traditions as a unifying force. An open and balanced heart chakra yields fruitful and loving relationships with oneself and others.

An under-active or blocked heart chakra causes a person to be cold, non-responsive to love or affection, and unfriendly.

An imbalanced heart chakra causes feelings of being critical, judgmental about oneself and others, irritating, lack of compassion, cold in relationships, inability to set boundaries, inability to handle grief, stuck in materialistic lures, isolation, loneliness, fear of accepting and giving love, demanding, perfectionist, and making decisions solely based on logic and intellect. 

It may also lead to heart problems, pain in the upper back, neck, shoulders, and arms, stiffness in the upper body, lung problems, weak or overactive immune system, allergies, asthma, blood circulation issues, breast cancer, bronchitis, fatigue, cough, high blood pressure, influenza, lungs, nail-biting, pain in lower arms and hands, respiratory problems, breathing issues, sleep disorders, addiction to smoking, tremors.

An overactive heart chakra can describe overwhelming loving compassion or obsessed love, which may make others uncomfortable at times. Overcaring, too emotional, and despite being empathetic, you become sympathetic. Too much love can suffocate other people around you or make you too sensitive towards other people's sufferings.

The beej mantra associated with this chakra is Yam.

The Vishudha or Throat Chakra

This chakra is at the base of the throat.

The color associated with this chakra is blue or aqua blue and represents the Akash element, communication, and truth, the first chakra towards spiritual ascension from among the upper chakras. It helps you take a stand for yourself and seek knowledge beyond time and space and cultural and family conditions. It gives you the confidence to express yourself. It also means being mindful and having a pure mind free from cluttered thoughts. Blue is a guiding energy, representing trust, faith, calmness, healing, and soothing.

The blue color encourages you to move towards the truth of subtle energies, speak and seek the truth, and accept the spirit.

When this chakra is active or open, you will be a good listener, supporting another person's expression, an excellent communicator, or a public speaker/auditor. You have a resonant voice, a flexible neck, a healthy thyroid gland, good metabolism, a firm upper body, good oral health, and great rhythm (dancing, singing, or composing music). You stay calm and peaceful, living in truth and acceptance and expressing to the spirit within, understanding the subtle energies.

An under-active or blocked throat chakra yields to a lack of self-expression, inability or fear of putting feelings or expressions into words, and speaking less or becoming shy.

An imbalanced throat chakra may cause illness/issues related to a hyperthyroid, stiff neck, jaw problems, throat infections, tooth and gum problems, hearing loss, tinnitus, toxins in the body, and poor communication. It also causes the inability to think abstractly, poor rhythm, tone-deaf, weak voice, asthma, bronchitis, cough, ear infections, fear, hearing problems, hay fever, hoarseness, laryngitis, lost voice, mental confusion, mouth ulcers, sore throat, stammering, tonsils, issues with the upper digestive tract, whooping cough, vomiting.

An overactive throat chakra causes one to become a chatterbox (speaking too much) and a bad listener.

The beej mantra associated with this chakra is Ham.

The Ajna or Third Eye Chakra

This chakra is between the two eyebrows.

The color associated with this chakra is Indigo. It represents "Clairvoyance" (clear seeing), perceiving, and command. It also means the combination of all elements and beholds the Divine light presence.

It enables you to see both your inner and outer worlds and helps you see beyond the illusions to the truth behind any situation or words said. It reflects clear thoughts and self-realization, and self-reflection. It helps us connect with our higher self and inner guidance, the gift of God (sixth sense).

When this chakra is active or open, you have an excellent psyche, dream a lot (lucid dreaming), are highly intuitive, be able to hear your inner voice (the Divine guidance), and have stronger gut feelings or sixth sense. It is a natural process. It is God's spiritual gift for us.

You will be at peace and have wisdom and in-depth knowledge of things you have never read or heard. You will be comfortable with psychic experiences. You might sense, feel, hear, or see visions, have thoughts, or even foresee through intuition or Deja vu. It helps and supports you in understanding the divinity and the Universe, and it helps in becoming one with God, the unity consciousness. You will have a good memory, be able to think symbolically, remember dreams, visualize, be imaginative, and have mental strength and endurance.

If you have an under-active or blocked third eye chakra, you will have a dependency for guidance on others to think about you or your situation and guide you. You will rely more on other people's belief systems. You will need clarification all the time.

An imbalanced third eye chakra may cause illness/issues related to sadness, depression, loneliness, delusions, hallucinations, nightmares, obsessions, arrogance, aloofness, and superiority flashes of anxiety-provoking visions. 

You will be unable to see the truth and connection, be in the witness position, be dualistic, invalidate psychic experiences, mystical visions, or intuition, and occasionally be spaced out or disconnected from self, others, and the Divine. You won't find your existence in this Universe or your life's purpose.

This imbalance may be a reason for your headaches, vision problems, sinus infections, nasal congestion, allergies, night blindness, poor memory, inability to think abstractly, lack of imagination, insensitive sociopathic behavior, and poor decision-making. It may also cause illnesses like allergies, amnesia, anxiety, blood circulation issues, blindness, brain tumors, cataracts, cancers, and chronic tiredness. It can also cause squint eyes, deafness, dizziness, drugs, dyslexia, ENT, earache, fainting, glaucoma, growth issues, left eye problems, long eyesight issues, migraines, nervousness, nervous breakdowns, scalp problems, short-eyesight issues, stress, tension, tremors, and vomiting.

An overactive third eye chakra causes you to live in your world of imagination, frequent daydreaming, or even hallucinations.

The beej mantra associated with this chakra is Aum.

The Sahasrara or Crown Chakra

This chakra is at the top center of our heads and is the gateway to the universal transcendental (the higher consciousness). The Root Chakra was the first step of the ladder to the Divine. This Sahasrara Chakra is the top of the ladder, the gateway to the Divine infinity.

The color associated with this chakra is violet or white. It has no element or thought associated with it as it is "Ik Onkar, the Parambrahma itself." It gives a feeling and sense of unity and the selfless realization that everything and everyone is radically related and connected in a web of life (the sacred geometry). 

This unity brings a feeling of mystical oneness with everything and everyone on this earth, be it nature, animals, other human beings, or anything that is co-created and has existed in the Universe. You are one with the Universe. You are one with this Divine light.

You will have serenity, peace within and without, and joy in your life. You will have a deeper meaning in life and an understanding of the reason behind the existence of everything.

When this chakra is active or open, you have no judgments, an enhanced awareness of self, and everything else that coexists with and around you. It promotes selfless giving, profound wisdom, oneness with the Divine, spiritual freedom, transcendence, unity of consciousness, connection to the spirit and soul worlds, and acceptance of oneself as a spirit. 

It connects you well with your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual selves. A balanced Crown Chakra yields the ability to stay open-minded, curious, and deep-thinking. The violet color denotes imagination, deep analysis, intellect, introspective, emotionally balanced, calmness, joy, connection with heaven, and grounded with Mother Gaia (earth).

An under-active or blocked crown chakra may cause or encourage materialistic greediness, domination, disagreement with the beliefs of others and their viewpoints, cognitive delusions, impairment, slow learning, over-intellectualizing, deep-seated grief, sadness, suffering even within the joys of life, stuck on the level of physical plane existence (the physical body's life on earth). 

It may also cause psychosis, dissociation from the body, being disconnected and not grounded enough to stay connected with your subtle energies, growing feelings of being overwhelmed, confusion, frustration, isolation, and lack of inspiration.

An imbalanced crown chakra may lead to illness related to brain tumors, amnesia, coma, autism, headaches at the crown of the head, and learning disabilities.

An overactive crown chakra causes psychosis, dissociation from the body, being disconnected and not grounded enough to stay connected with your subtle energies, and over-intellectualizing. Spirituality may come first in your mind every time, may ignore your physical needs like food, water, and shelter.

You can keep your chakras active and balanced by distinct practices like meditating and chanting the beej mantras, chakra cleansing (with or without crystals), and removing the blocks or karmic energies through energy healing techniques. There are many different modalities to practice. The best ones are Reiki and Lama Fera, positive affirmations, visualization techniques, or yoga hand mudras associated with the chakra. You can also use associated essential oil therapies and color therapy to balance the chakras.

This article helped you decode our subtle existence and brought insight into maintaining a healthy, happy, joyful, peaceful, and calm life by keeping our energies clean and balanced.

Love, light, peace, gratitude, and infinite blessings to all!!!!
Sai Nathaye Namah!
Praise the Lord!
Grace & Love - Tejaswini (a.k.a Sakshi Vaashiisht)

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