In my last article, Do Animals Need Healing? Yes, Indeed! We discussed the emerging concept of animal healing and why it is sometimes significant to heal pets. This article sheds light on pets from the point of view of energy beings and their energy system, i.e., their electromagnetic field.
Do animals also have auras and chakras? Yes, they do have. Do not be surprised because we will discuss their subtle body and energies today.
You can understand more about auras and chakras by visiting my other articles on Our Existence beyond the Physical Body and Chakra – The Energy Vortexes.
When we talk about animals, their energy and chakra system work almost the same as humans. As humans have an electromagnetic field around them, animals also have this field around them. This energy field is sensitive around them like babies. They can sense your intentions and feelings instantly and react to them.
Like we keep ourselves protected and healed, it is necessary to keep our pets energetically healthy and protected in addition to medical care. Those who own lazy or aggressive pets or ones prone to health issues or behavioral problems can seek help from energy or alternative healing methods for their pets apart from the regular veterinary treatment they seek.
No matter how many tests were performed, the reports would show normal. However, if there is no positive change in their mood or behavior, you must seek answers holistically.
Your pet may be trying to communicate something to you, or maybe you both cannot understand and synchronize with the commands, language, or words used to communicate with each other.
When a puppy or kitten comes home, it is an entirely different experience for them because they are like babies (separated from their mothers after birth), and they relate and connect with this world through us.
Their very first experience is with us, in our home. They portray us as parents or guardians and our home as their home. So, when you plan to bring a pet, ensure you know you are ready for this responsibility, as this is not fun.
It is a cosmic connection and healing for both the owner and the pet, sent by the universe due to the support needed, which may be emotional, mental, karmic, or soul-level. There can be distinct reasons when working with pets on a deeper soul level. We can understand and know more about such reasons while working with them.
We have almost 25 years of experience dealing with different dog breeds. The most notorious one we have is the Indian pariah. Furr babies can only express themselves through eyes and howling, unlike we humans who can speak and grow up adults. They remain babies for their lifetime.
Sometimes your fur baby's behavior and habits are strongly influenced by the breed they belong to, so be careful while choosing the dog breed for your family.
Also, it is good to get your pet trained within six months of their birth and adoption as this is when their mind and consciousness are in the process of development, so whatever they observe and learn in this age group will be followed by them for life.
However, the trainable age for a few breeds could range from 6 months to two years, like Labradors. Few pets come with inherited habits and training like Labradors, so be patient and determined to help them learn, train, and get habitual to following your commands.
Dogs like Labradors and a few others must get formal dog training as they can sometimes be mischievous and greedy.
However, smaller breeds like Pomeranians, Pugs, Spitz, Lhasa apso, etc., can be self/home trained by their owner to set their walk and pee schedule. Their owners can help them understand good and bad habits through keywords or specific expressions, as they do not require much formal training.
Healing animals is easy as they are more receptive and non-judgmental, unlike humans. They are more receptive to energy healing, and it works great.
Coming back to our discussion on their energy body, here is the Chakra system of dogs or cats:
Chakra System of Dogs
The dogs have eight primary chakras:
- 7th Crown Chakra
- 6th Brow/Third Eye Chakra
- 5th Throat Chakra
- 4th Upper Heart Chakra
- 4th Heart Chakra
- 3rd Solar Plexus Chakra
- 2nd Sacral Chakra
- 1st Root Chakra
Their 8th chakra is also known as the Brachial Chakra, which serves as a recharging point (Major Chakra) for animal and human communication. To begin the healing process, open this chakra between the shoulders on the back. All other chakras in the animal body are linked to this chakra, making it crucial.
Symptoms of a blocked or imbalanced Brachial Chakra include a dog/pet aversing to human contact, a lack of trust in the owner and others, and a strained relationship with their family members.
21 Minor or Secondary Chakras:
- 8th Nose Chakra
- 8th Upper Nose Chakra (primarily sensory)
- 9th Ear or Bud Chakras (under the ear flaps)
- 10th Paw Chakras (Bud Chakras)
- 11th Tail Chakra
The following image depicts the Chakra System of Cats:
Cats have eight primary chakras, with the remaining minor chakras located beneath the ear flaps, paws, and tail. Similarly, other animals are healed through these energy centers because they have the same chakra classification.
The Below Chart Shows the Colors, Meanings, Symptoms, and Functions of Each Animal Chakra:
Chakras Names
Signs of Imbalance
Body Areas Governed
(Primary or 'Major' chakra) |
Between the shoulders (on a horse, just below where the shoulder meets the neck)
Links all other Major chakras, Center for animal-human communication
& bonding, the first place to start healing with
Reluctance to touch (other
medical reasons: Arthritis, Inflamed skin, etc.), Refusal
to connect or bond.
Chest, Neck, Forelimbs, Head
Black Tourmaline in case of reluctant behavior), Herkimer Diamond, Clear
Top of the head, between the ears (at the 'poll' on a horse)
to the spirit
withdrawn behavior
Brain, Pituitary
Gland, Skin, Spine, Central and Nervous system, the craniosacral system
Quartz, Azeztulite, Tanzanite, and Diamond
Third Eye (Brow)
Centre of forehead
Acceptance of self
Headaches, bad eyes, distant/distracted
Head in general, Pineal Gland, Natural Body Rhythms,
Higher Mental Self
Lapis Lazuli, Fluorite Amethyst, Charoite
On the physical throat (over vocal cords)
or excessively noisy, doesn't listen to commands (training issues)
Mouth, Teeth, Jaws (often caused by Root-based
fear, animals who chew excessively can usually benefit from having energy
balanced here)
Quartz, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Topaz
Front of the chest to behind the forelegs
Herd hierarchy (relationships)
Sad (recent emotional grief/
separation/loss), overly possessive, unwilling to interact with other
animals, jealous, nervous around other animals for an unknown reason
Heart, Lungs, Immune System, Thymus Gland
Rose Quartz, Emerald, Pink Tourmaline, Jade
Solar Plexus
Middle of the Back
Power/Sense of Self
Withdrawn, Aggressive, Dominating, No Enthusiasm
Tract, Stomach, Liver
Tiger Eye, Amber, Topaz
Sacral (Spleen)
Lower Lumber Area, between tail and middle of the back
Sexuality and emotion (emotional
loss of an animal partner, home, offspring, etc., can often be stored here). An excellent place to work when an animal is in shock while waiting for or consulting a vet
Over Emotional: Excessive Whining for no apparent
reason (excludes medical reasons), Boundary
issue, i.e., for a dog/horse: difficulty establishing the difference between
work (training) time and
Kidneys, Adrenal Glands, Reproductive System, Lymphatic
Carnelian, Coral, Orange Calcite
Where the tail meets the body (hindquarters)
Fearful/Strong Flight Reaction, Greedy, Sluggish, Underweight, Restless
Gut, Hips, Hind Legs, Muscular Skeletal System as a whole
Garnet, Red Jasper, Unakite
The above chart depicts the behavioral patterns your pet may exhibit. Now you can figure out the cause of their behavior.
Before I conclude this article, let us not forget that using alternative therapies and healing is not a replacement for medical treatments.
It is additional help that can assist in maintaining your pet's optimum physical, mental, emotional, and etheric health, as they also have to clear their karma in some form.
However, there are different ways to heal your pet, such as Usui/Animal Reiki, Lama Fera (which I have personally used for my pet), Angel Healing, Crystal Therapies, Bach Flower Remedies, Sound Healing, etc. But what matters is the intention, faith with patience, as animals respond quickly, but in chronic cases, it may take time to show positive changes at a considerable rate. It does not mean healing did not work. It always works depending on the criticality and the level of energy blockages released.
This article will help pet lovers and owners as a source of essential information for their animal companions.
Grace & Love - Tejaswini (a.k.a Sakshi Vaashiisht)