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Feed Your Soul Daily

Feed Your Soul Daily

Feed your soul! You must be wondering what it could mean, especially for the people in the process of awakening.

Feeding your soul here means infusing it with positivity from the start of your day until you go to sleep. You must make sure you talk to yourself on a soul level daily with positive affirmations.

As we all know, we are all light beings. We have a purpose for being on this Earth and will return to that divine light.

The moment you start your day, start it with gratitude and thanks to the Divine for blessing you with another day of life where you can again begin a new chapter in your life. Try to fix your mistakes, learn something new, or earn an opportunity to serve back to the Universe in any form, like donation, helping the needy, feeding the poor, etc.

Go out in the sunlight and try to feel the connection with mother earth when standing bare feet. To help you stay grounded, imagine the bright white light of the sun coming onto you and enveloping you with its bright light all around your aura, body, and soul. You are shining with this light from within and outside.


It is when you feel oneness with the Holy Divine Light, invoke or remember your deity or God as a divine being, and say these are positive affirmations.

Bring your focus on being one with this divine light, talk to it, and feed positive and new promises to yourself which give you a sense of encouragement, self-worth, confidence, and the divine love of the Universe. 

Open your heart, be receptive, and be ready to receive all that comes only from God, the Divine. Ask for your daily guidance if you are firmly connected. Start with positive affirmation as a daily dose of food to your soul. We must keep our souls active, bright, happy, and contented with universal love and blessings.

Remember who we are and how being in sync with the Divine and universal energies can positively impact our lives.

Keep feeding your soul with Divine love, visualizations of your goals, positive affirmations and blessings, and guidance from the Divine coming to you. It will help you grow more as a human and as a soul, and you will start noticing positive changes in your life.

Stay optimistic, healthy, and blessed!

Love, light, peace, gratitude, and infinite blessings to you all!

Grace & Love - Tejaswini (a.k.a Sakshi Vaashiisht)

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