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The Karma Story

I came across an interesting article on Karma through my spiritual group and thought of sharing a gist of it with you all today.

The relationship that drives people crazy with anger and frustration comes from a past life. These are the people who really get under your skin and exasperate you endlessly. Very often, these Karmic relationships are with people in your immediate family.

Karmic relationships mean that you have had prior lifetimes with this person, and you both came to present life together to work things out peacefully. It was your soul’s choice, although it was probably highly pushed upon you by your guides and Angels who helped you script out much of your life. 

Usually, a Karmic relationship is with someone with whom you had a battle or other harsh circumstances. You returned together in this lifetime to work things out and clear the Karmas.

If you do not clear these energies in this lifetime, you will continue to incarnate with this soul.

And each lifetime, their relationship with you will continue as a close relationship, either through genetics and familial bonds or through friendship, marriage, or career. So, that annoying co-worker could be their next lifetime unless you clear the energy with them in this one.

You’re brought together with the other soul so that you forgive them. It doesn’t mean approving their actions. It means detoxing your soul by releasing anger toward them. You don’t have to hang out with the person, but you must let go of old pent-up toxic emotions. Holding in old anger is caustic and unhealthful.

It’s also a waste of time and energy to blame that person for family dramas and your upset. Blaming is a projection of our ego, where we don’t own our shadows and ego issues, and we put them in the basket labeled, It is their fault. And while it may be true that that person is the instigator of traumas, blaming them doesn’t help the situation and doesn’t balance the Karma between you.

Breaking the Karmic Cycle

The first step to breaking this Karmic cycle is to take responsibility for its presence in your life. Your soul agreed to be with this person because it was necessary for your spiritual progress. So, forgiving yourself is the ultimate secret to healing everything in all directions of time.

It involves forgiving yourself for entering this relationship whenever you did in the distant past lifetime. You probably were given red-flag warnings by your angels then, which you chose to ignore or override. Forgive yourself for ignoring those red flags, and vow to listen from now on. Life lessons only count if we learn from them.

You get infuriated by how this person behaves. But this is how this individual’s personality works and has always worked. You were the one who chose to try to be in a relationship with them long, long ago. You were the one who decided that all of those red flags that your angel sent you didn’t matter. You were the one who decided that you could change or fix the person.

Now it’s time to let go of that fantasy that this person could be as you desire or dream them to be. You’re not the other person’s Source, nor are you the author of their life scripts.

Karmic relationships are akin to having a tug-of-war. They’re power plays, where one person pulls, and the other person pulls back. No one wins in Karmic power plays. But, when one person drops their side of the rope (through the process of forgiving oneself for getting into this tug-of-war in the first place), there is no more struggle for power.

Love, light, peace, gratitude, and infinite blessings to you all!

Grace & Love - Tejaswini (a.k.a Sakshi Vaashiisht)

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