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Twin Flames Vs Soulmates

Who are Twin flames? 

How often have you heard about twin flame relationships? Many of you who have started or are spiritually growing must be wondering what a twin flame is and what a relationship with a twin flame means.

This topic is significantly eminent among people and couples/lovers who are awakening spiritually because their souls are now evolving and are now curious to know if the one they are in a relationship with is their twin flame. Earlier, such relationships were rare. However, today, in this Age of Aquarius (December 21, 2020, when Jupiter and Saturn conjunct and align into Aquarius after almost 400 years, which will be a Great Conjunction. That will bring extensive shifts in our social lives, leadership, innovation, technology, revolution, and focus on humanitarian issues, etc.), and these connections are growing.

Going ahead, we will also discuss soulmates and how soulmates are different from twin flames. In addition, you will also understand the reasons behind the growing number of homosexual relationships and marriages happening these days in the world.

So, coming back to our topic on twin flame relationships, let us understand what it is. Before we start with it, I wanted to put forward my views regarding the deep-rooted gender-specific mentality our society has been following. 

Disclaimer: Whatever we are discussing here is not to demean or hurt any beliefs or traditions, but this is a universal truth, and when you explore and learn about it, be open with your mindset, be like an empty cup so the universe can pour the right piece of information into your cup. Avoid being judgmental of the facts discussed and shared here because each soul has their journey, time of self-realization, and life experiences based on its karmas and purpose on this planet.

So, if you do not understand and resonate with these concepts, please ignore them. This information may not be valuable to you at this point. I have tried my best to research the most authentic information on this concept and put my honest view and knowledge here about twin flame and soulmate meaning and differentiation.

Our souls have two parts (the yin and the yang, or Shiva and Shakti, or the divine masculine and the divine feminine). When we are born, our soul splits into two halves, i.e., two different soul incarnations embodied in either of these parts. One part will incarnate with yin energies and the other with yang (here is another twist to this, as it is not necessary that yin incarnates as a female only and yang as a male only)

A female is likely born with potent divine masculine energies, and a male is born with sacred feminine traits. It could be related to a tomboy girl and a boy with more emotional sensitivity. Both are female, or both are male.

Souls have no gender. However, the traits of being feminine or masculine are two powerful energies that cannot be separated and have to become one to complete a soul. Some people may relate when they still long for the other part of their soul, which is their twin flame, as despite everything in their lives, they still long for the other half of their soul, which makes them feel complete in all senses. 

I relate to this idea because, during one of my Akashic Intelligence Access sessions, I witnessed a 25+ years old split soul male incarnation of mine even while I am alive in this lifetime. I accessed one of my past lives, almost during the same era I was born. To make it clear, I was born in the 1980s and saw my split soul presence during the early 1990s in California. I was trying to heal a deep-rooted issue from my current lifetime when I landed in my split soul incarnation.

Here, we are not talking about the life partner because having your twin flame as a current lover, life partner, or living human being is not always necessary. Your twin flame can be in spirit form, supporting you from heaven, such as a spirit guide, an ascended master, starseeds, angels, etc. 

It is possible that with the rise of spiritual awakening and as we progress in our personal journies with major shifts happening all over the world, and with the need to reawaken our spirits, you may have a human twin flame around you as a friend, life partner, lover, or someone unfamiliar but could meet sooner or later. 

We see a drastic increase in the number of twin-flame romantic relationships nowadays because somewhere or other, we need to ascend from duality to reality and shift to the 5th dimension. It is the need of our soul to rise to that level with the ascending vibrations of Mother Earth.

Encountering Your Twin Flame

So, how do you know if you will meet or have met your twin flame? First, your meeting with your twin flame will not be that ordinary. There is nothing called coincidence in this universe, but these are all divinely guided co-existing incidents. You may dream of them often, specifically during lucid dreaming or astral travel. 

You may start developing a new hobby or passion of interest when you meet your twin flame. You will feel comfortable in their company despite all the boundaries and guards around you. You will both have an intense connection on the same level. You will undoubtedly receive additional confirmation that it is your twin flame, as it is a mirror image of your soul.

Before you meet your twin flame, the foreshadowing process could start a few years or a few months earlier when you may go through dominant transitions and soul awakenings. You will grow as a human and a soul while simultaneously transforming spiritually before you meet your twin flame. Your soul knows it and has to be prepared before you both finally unify.

A twin flame relationship is more challenging than it may seem. Do not be judgmental here. It is very intense and is your soul replica, your twin flame will resonate and vibrate at the same level as you, and both of you will know the ins and outs of each other. 

You will have the same oddity of personality, so you will both know the realities of each other; this is deep soul work to be done together and not just share a romantic-based relationship. It is more than you even think or hear about twin flames. You both will complement each other in terms of strengths and weaknesses. So, you will complete each other by fulfilling what is not present in the other.

Another vital sign is that your twin flame will have a similar past, situations in life, traumas, or upbringing during their childhood as you have gone through in the past. If you go deeper and notice, your twin flame and you will have primary life events and shifts going on at the same time, in the same age group, etc. So, it is like looking at yourself in the mirror.

Being in a relationship with your mirror self (twin flame) is not easy because they may challenge or point out traits in you or make you feel about yourself as no one ever did. It can also be positive as it makes you realize your worth and help you meet your true soul self. They may do things that may sometimes annoy you or make you angry, but this is how they will show you in the mirror what you still need to work on and how you have to deal with certain things in life in a better way. When not in a twin flame relationship, we may not notice or identify things a twin flame can help us spot. It is like facing your shadow self.

You may also see synchronous angel numbers like 1111 or hear ringing in your ear (Tinnitus) or electrical occurrences like flickering or electricity going off. It is another sign from your angels that you are with your twin flame. There are a lot of similarities but still opposites of each other, and the differences between you two will complete both of you.

You must have often seen couples or people in friendships where both are so different but still complete each other. One is a chatterbox, and the other is a quiet lover with a silent personality. One is an extrovert, the other is an introvert, or one may be practical, and the other intuitive and emotional. One has an eye for detail, while the other is keen to see the bigger picture of the overall situation, but still, they gel and complement each other and are destined to be together.

Twin flames may also have a lot of fights, and sometimes they keep running away from each other. The reason is that this is not the right time for both of you to be together, and if your twin flame has this habit of running away, let them go. Do not chase or annoy them, as this will hinder your spiritual growth and journeys. 
So let go and do not push things unnecessarily, as this may worsen things for you.

Commonalities between twin flames can include the same core value and thought process, as well as the same dedication and drive for your individual goals and life. You both have a larger and similar spiritual purpose on this earth, and when you work together on it, you have the potential to create and bring about significant changes in the world. That is why if you see the symbol of yin and yang, one has the color white and the other black, but when joined, it makes a beautiful union. The Yin and Yang symbols also depict the reality of being one with each other in complete harmony, despite being opposites to each other. The inseparable truth of light and darkness is that there is no darkness without light and vice versa. There has to be that balance and union of both. Even the light and dark also meet during dawn and dusk. Everything has a purpose and a reason to exist in the universe. It is how everything works.

It is an intense and immense soul work, a process through which you evolve to become one and then merge into the divine light forever.

There may be a drastic age difference between twin flame relationships, up to or exceeding ten years. It is because our souls do not reincarnate in perfect synchronicity, which is evident by what I experienced during my Akashic Intelligence Access Session that I previously shared in this article. When I was too young, my split soul was 25+ years old already. You may have seen many odd couple marriages in recent years where the age difference is more than ten or twenty years, but they still fall in love and marry. 

However, our society must understand and accept that it is a soul falling in love with another soul and not a man or woman or physical body. It is evident with the rise in homosexual relationships over the last few decades; this is due to soul awakenings in which people now understand that love is not between genders and physical bodies but between two souls that unite in a union.

I mentioned earlier that when you are going to meet your twin flame, you go through rapid spiritual growth and transformations as a person and as a soul in ways you never imagined. Our twin flame also acts as our spiritual growth motivator, and as both of you share a higher purpose to bring that big change to the world, you have to go through that transition whether you want it or not.

You work in the same field/business and serve similar causes. It includes your same spiritual purpose and fulfilling your true soul purpose while supporting each other to fulfill that.

It may also happen that you both have gone through a significant separation/breakup or relationship turmoil before you meet each other, as this will let your soul know what your soul longs for and what to look for in your better half. 

The increasing twin flame relationships in past decades are a testimony to the awakening of souls and transformations of many during their life's journey, as we are moving towards completing life cycles and have already stepped into the Golden Age. It is simply the ending phase of the Kalyug, which is visible to us. To be a part of this Golden Age, we must know ourselves and the things at a soul level that we want to fix for ourselves, mother Earth, and the universe. Everything is in sync with the divine on this earth and in heaven.

How to ensure that someone is NOT your Twin Flame?

If you meet someone, who does not show interest in you at all, they are not your twin flame. There must be the same level of interest in each other, which create an irresistible attraction between you to be together.

If they have wronged you in any way, whether infidelity or abuse or have been with you for selfish reasons and taken advantage of your goodness, they are not your twin flame.

If their intensity of emotions, feelings and the urge to be together is not equal to what you feel, they are not your twin flame.

Let us now talk about soulmates or karmic relationships.

Soulmates or Karmic Relationships

To understand soulmate/karmic relationships and soul contracts, you must first understand and have clarity about Karma, how our karmas lead to soulmate and karmic relationships, and why we are with them. Although I have discussed this in detail in my upcoming book and to get a gist, I request that you read my blog article on Karmic Balance and Karma Story.

Depending on your karmic history, soulmates and karmic relationships may or may not last a lifetime. Often, soulmates can be your best friends, your pets, departed pet souls, or temporary relationships that teach you valuable karmic lessons so you do not repeat those mistakes in your life. It can be financial, love relationships, parent-sibling relationships, friends, or even office people you may come into contact.

Failed relationships or acute suffering based on abusive relationships can also be classified into karmic or soulmate relationships because they teach you great lessons, helps you know your worth, and identify what your soul wants in this lifetime. However, it is equally critical to forgive and balance the karmas by releasing those hurts, pains, and resentments, as these may be a significant impediment to your overall life; and spiritual growth as a human and a soul.

It is entirely different from a twin flame journey or relationship because it is more about your karma cleansing and balancing. A twin flame union is more about intense soul work and life journey. Soulmates prepare your soul to be ready for a twin flame that is truly important for us to complete the odyssey to the divine source of light.

People often get confused as they do not know what they manifest in their lives. It is because they keep running into the wrong relationships, which never let them achieve the sense of completeness their soul desire. That is why those relationships may not have a long life and stability because they are not at all working on their soul but caught in the trap of material fancies that will not bring that contentment to your soul no matter how many lives you spend here on earth.

The terms soulmate, life partner, and twin flame are different. People tend to mix them up, need clarification on their meanings, and often keep asking the universe to send a soulmate (the definition of soulmate differs from what you find in Oxford or any other dictionary). It may be related to the soul, but it is not a twin flame.

Your soul does not need to speak romantically to your soulmate. Soulmates from past lives may incarnate in this lifetime for you to protect, guide, support, love you, or fulfill an unfulfilled desire of yours in the past life. They can come in different forms too, and not necessarily as lovers. They can provide support on your spiritual path, teach, and guide you through this journey. They can be life partners too, but only sometimes.

This article helped you differentiate and understand the difference between a TWIN-FLAME and a SOUL MATE/KARMIC RELATIONSHIP. Thanks for being a part of my spiritual journey!

I wish everyone to have a beautiful and exciting spiritual journey!

Grace & Love - Tejaswini (a.k.a Sakshi Vaashiisht)

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