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A Loving Hand of Adoption to Indian Pariah (Street) Dogs

Today I will talk about the Indian dogs (the local breed, or Pariah breed) we find all around us. I am writing this because I felt guided and wanted to share some positive traits about these dogs along with some tips when, as a pet or animal lover, you decide to bring these beings home and adopt them as your beloved family member.

I am a proud owner of three Indian dogs. I will surely share my story and experience with this breed, as it was my very first experience adopting and raising it, as I had only raised a Spitz and a Labrador earlier.

We have been with dogs for more than 23 years, and how my Indian breed came into our lives is another miracle story from the divine. My family and I were dealing with strange loneliness and depression after we lost our Labrador pet (Ronnie) due to medical negligence by one of the government veterinarian staff. 

We changed the vet, but by that time, his liver and kidneys got damaged due to the wrong medication, and unexpectedly, he left us too early at the young age of 6 years. He died in my arms, and this strange loneliness and depression continued for more than a year.

It felt like a soul family member was missing all of a sudden, and it felt like a wish to have had some more time with our beloved Ronnie. 

It was heart-wrenching as he was very close to my sister, and we all tried to support each other, but there was a strange emptiness all around us, which deeply affected our family.

I came home late one night from work, got fresh, and sat sadly watching television for some time before going to sleep. Suddenly, I heard a puppy whining. I checked outside the window. I saw nothing. Suddenly, I realized the whining sound was coming from my room. I switched on the light and found a cute little Indian-breed dog that my sister got home from one of her NGO friends.

I was so happy and overwhelmed when I picked him up and hugged him. That was the best gift I ever got. It felt like this was missing in our home and my life.  

Honestly, my life and home are incomplete without these beautiful souls (pets).

However, raising this adorable puppy was initially challenging because we had never dealt with an Indian breed before. 

Let me mention that all dogs or pets come to our home for a specific reason (usually spiritually aligned; either they bring healing to us or require it from us).

Whenever he growled, he used to utter Maa (calling out to his mother). I sincerely felt he was looking for motherly affection. This experience was shocking and miraculous because it is unusual to hear a dog growling or calling out Maa.

Being a healer, I strongly felt it had a message from the divine to look deeper into it.

These breeds are the best security dogs and loving beings, but we must understand their breed and genes to better deal with them efficiently and intelligently. Let me tell you how and why.

The initial challenges (not the challenges for me individually, it was more of an opportunity to understand him from a spiritual context) that got highlighted are listed below:

  • First, he had some soul-level issues that required immediate healing.
  • Second, his behavioral traits pointed towards being unable to understand us as a family, unable to communicate, and build that compassion towards us that other breeds easily accept. So acceptance was the biggest issue for this baby because he spent the initial days at a different place and later came to us after 40 days.

He portrayed my mom as his mother and expected her to give him that cuddle and the love he was craving. The pain of separation was visible, but not from his mother in this life. It was way beyond what I could think as a pet owner, and I could sense and feel a deep pain in his growling and urge to make us understand his problem. 

I could observe that he inherited some of his inborn behavioral traits from his experiences while inside his mother’s womb in this lifetime.

I am sharing my personal experience. However, every dog can have a different situation. Some may have a smooth life, while others may face challenges based on their karmas, spiritual contracts, and vows with their pet parent souls even before coming to this life. I know some people who have never had these challenges, and even with a few stray dogs I feed, they have different life patterns.

They are tagged as stray or street dogs because no one has accepted them as a part of their families. 

It is also one of the reasons I am writing this article to bring it to consciousness: why not we accept them first, give them equal respect and acceptance, family, love, and care? 

The more volunteers come forward to adopt and accept them, the less you will see them struggling on the roads and streets. 

They are equally cute, loving beings. All you need to do is look beyond the veils of separation and illusions.

Dogs, even all animals, can only be understood at a soul level. You cannot just give them a tag of being a dog (as an animal). They are much more spiritual and full of unconditional love than we humans are. They are babies forever. They equally feel emotions like us humans.

The initial months with my Indi pet were challenging to understand the root cause of his behavior. He tried to tell us something, but he didn’t know how, so he used to bite us. He also had weak bladder issues, so he used to pee multiple times a day. He used to growl or bark when he wanted to tell us something. Although his bladder issues were cured with medicine and healing combined, he still had some emotional issues.

One day, I got upset and decided to dig deeper into this problem and find out the root cause of this problem. We are big-time dog lovers; no dog bites us or can bite us. We knew all the techniques to train and handle them, but he used to repeat this pattern with us for no reason, even if he didn’t want to pee or go out.

I contacted an animal healer because I was not much into animal healing then. One of the animal healers asked me to share his picture and said they would send healing (but it showed minimal results; it worsened the problem as deep down I had firm faith in energy healing. 

I felt he wanted ME to know what divine messages he was trying to share with me and was more interested in getting healed by me only. One of the healers gave me a set of a few crystals to make an elixir and give that water to him. I tried different Reiki techniques and charged the water to feed him; it did show some results, but not 100%.

I prayed to God and the angels to guide me to the right healer or animal communicator because deep inside my heart, I had some questions to which I wanted answers. 

At that time, I contacted one of the Chennai-based animal communicators, who assisted me in obtaining answers to many of my questions, one of which was an overwhelming one. That question was if this pet has any connections to my prior canine who died, you will be surprised to know that he did.

My current dog and the previous dog are soul friends. He came into our family to push us away from a few things that were not serving us anymore.   

He also guided us to practice a lot of forgiveness for ongoing issues in our family, to leave the old patterns and move on. It was authentic because when the communicator, the soul of my dog, and I connected during a communication session, he revealed many things only my family and I knew.

He also gave me some tasks to complete or work on myself on certain things with my family and promised he would cooperate and stop biting if we listened to this divine message and worked on them.

Believe me! Since we completed those tasks or worked on those areas of our lives, things changed drastically and became very positive with the grace of God. He did take birth as a local breed, but his soul had a greater mission for all of us, and the most loving thing is that he is being sent by my previous canine soul, as he used to stay very calm and could not help us for the purpose he wanted to convey to us during his life span.  

This message was comforting for me as my sister and I used to miss him a lot, and ever since he left us, there has been a strange emptiness in our hearts, lives, and homes.

I then further decided to learn animal healing and started healing my dog. The issues revealed during these healings were astonishing. 

I then further decided to learn animal healing and started healing my dog. The issues revealed during these healings were astonishing. 

I regularly connected to his soul and through which I could identify some of his patterns/problems rooted in his mother’s womb and his past life.

The pain he was expressing of separation from his mother was from his past life, where I got this vision of him as a five-year-old boy who lost his life accidentally while on a swing, swirling too fast in circular motions. 

In that life, he was overly playful and did not listen to his mother, and while performing such mischief, he lost his life. 

He got an injury on his forehead and died of the trauma of being separated from his mother. The traumatic cord had to sever from his energy field.

I healed the issues he had from his past lives and helped him release cords, emotions, pain, grief, and energies that were not serving him anymore.

I gradually started telling him verbally during the animal communication sessions that he is now a part of our family, we love him, we need him, he is safe, and he is accepted. I told him to accept this life as a dog and fulfill his karma. His soul asked me why he became a dog, which I answered for him, as I was in continuous communication with his angels and guides.

While raising him, I saw a tremendous improvement in spiritual growth for my family and myself. He is a considerable mental, emotional, and spiritual support for me. Because of him, I could learn many new techniques to heal and understand pets at a deeper level. 

His soul allowed me to work for the animal kingdom/species and connect with the animal spirits in a better way and understand the reasons and meanings of the messages they send to me from time to time.

I will always be grateful to his soul for coming into my life and family.

The Positive Traits of Indian (Pariah) Breed Dogs:

Mentally Super-duper Alert - They are vigilant and will not miss a single sound.

Dutiful and Loyal – Very loyal beings. All they need is your love, attention, care, and acceptance. Their loyalty and love are unconditional. Even if you do not have money or a home, they will stay beside you till their last breath.

Intelligent Beings – They are equally brilliant and understand all you speak from the heart to them.

Physical Fitness – Cute babies forever but have long-term vitality.

Brilliant Watch Dogs – They are good as watchkeepers. They will never let any suspicious person cross your gate.

Homely and Friendly – They are not fierce like some of the breeds we have, such as Pit bulls, Dobermans, and Rottweilers, etc. They are friendly if dealt with love.

Opportunities to work with Indian Breed Dogs/Behaviors to fix:

Ownership Issues – They might have ownership issues initially. You must make them feel loved and that you are their family now. Build a relationship with them in a way that they understand you are like a family to them. Treat them as you would treat other family members.

Hyper-activeness – These breeds can sometimes be hyperactive. You may use Bach Flower Remedy to heal them (the best Bach remedy medicine for this issue is Vervain). That helped us a lot in bringing our dog’s hyperactivity syndrome under control, in addition to other combinations with Animal Reiki, Lama Fera, and Angel Healing. 

I used it due to the issues he went through in his past life and with us. However, you must consult an animal healer with Bach Flower Remedy expertise to know the appropriate dose for your pet.  

The healing techniques I used were in distinct patterns and at different times as per the divine guidance and not all at once. Also, we need to give some time to get the issues healed. Too much healing is not at all good. Pets accept only the energy they can handle. Furthermore, healing takes time; it is not a one-time occurrence.

Lots of Love – They need lots of unconditional love and care. Each member must spend some time with them (this is equally practiced with other breeds as well), and playtime improves your relationship with them and keeps them happy.

Understand Their Background – They have a habit of doing certain things due to their breed and genes, so try to focus on the cause and heal the root cause as much as possible. I have observed this habit in almost all street dogs. Such as, whenever you pour water from a bottle into a bowl to serve them, they will try to drink from the flowing stream, like drinking from a tap.

Survival Issues and Food Insecurity – They had seen and felt, from within the womb, their mothers living in fear and fighting for everyday survival, so they had a fear of survival or getting their food snatched by someone else. 
So, when you serve them food, never infuse fearing statements like — someone else will eat it. Remember not to mention any particular name, like my mother used to refer to our maid and ask him to finish the food. 
She used to say if he would not eat, she would come and eat it. So when she would come for household work, he would get insecure about his food and bark at her. 

Give them space to eat it as per their own will. Sometimes they may not like you to come near their food. Survival issues can only be healed with time and the love and care you give them to help them understand they have a family now to care for them.
Minimal Dog Training Required – They have some inbuilt qualities and intelligence. They need minimal disciplinary coaching. Ensure you accompany them during their training sessions with the dog trainer. We were unaware initially of certain things, and we never accompanied him.

Later, we had to stop the training as he used to obey the trainer only and not us. I then consulted one of the best dog trainers in the Rashtrapati Bhawan Security Dog Training teamWe found that a professional trainer always asks the owner to accompany them. During the session, the owner and dog will learn how to train and deal with them.

The latter would know it had to obey the owner and not just the trainer. The best training starts at home and then outside. We then retrained him on our own to resolve this issue, and it did help. Teach them basic etiquette and the dos and don’ts per your family routine.
Aggression – While they grow into adults, their urge for breeding may lead to slight aggressive behavior. Here, sterilization may help, but before you go for an operation, do consult your vet. 

Like humans, they also need a companion, so, depending upon your time and effort, they may get one too. There can also be other reasons for their aggression, such as not giving them enough love, care, time, and attention. 

They may be feeling lonely, and as you play with them, it will help them stay grounded and reduce their aggression and hyperactivity too. 

Devote at least 30 to 45 minutes of playtime for them on alternate days or every 2-3 days. If they feel lazy, don’t force them much, but see to it this is not their routine.

Be very patient with these little cuddliest ones, as a few of them may take some time to understand their life’s journey, and only patience, faith, and love can heal them. Your dedication is equally required.

Respect their free will. Build a heart-to-heart connection with them so not only do they understand you well, but you are also able to understand them appropriately. Talk to them often as you would do with your kids. They will certainly respond to you. They talk to us through our mental body, thoughts, intentions, and loving vibrations we send to them.

Sometimes people ask me why dogs bark at certain people but are too cuddly with others. The only way to deal with this problem is not to fear or hate them but to only love them. 

As I previously stated, animals, particularly dogs, can sense our vibrations of love, fear, and hatred toward them even before we take action. This vibration gets amplified through them, and they respond accordingly. If you fear or hate them, they will bark at you fiercely, as if they are too afraid, and you may hurt them in fear or hatred. If you love them, they will never intentionally hurt you.

I fed six or more stray dogs often, and not even one among them would ever bark at me or harm me. But I see them barking at a few people who hate animals or fear them. 

When I ask them not to bark or go away, they understand they must not do it, stop barking, and go away. People are surprised at how well they follow and obey me. 

The key to every heart, whether for a human or an animal, is only Unconditional Love.

I have witnessed my pet from being a whining puppy to a happy and well-mannered adult dog. During these years, as we supported him in his journey, he equally supported us, especially me. He holds a special place in my life. Because of him, I was able to learn so much and am now able to heal other stray dogs and pets of my friends too.

One thing I have learned from the animal kingdom is that they believe in the power of nature. They have an inbuilt ability to see beyond all earthly illusions. They teach us a lot about oneness — we are all connected, we are one, we are love, one love, being one with the divine, and of course, loving and caring unconditionally.

Give them love, and they will always love you back, be it any breed. But the Indian breed needs more attention and care because they are already suffering. Offer them a handful of love, care, food, acceptance, and respect, and see how miraculously they respond to you with their love and loyalty towards you.

Imagine if you were a dog or an animal in one of your lives and a group of people were eating, and you were seeing them from a distance, hoping they would understand and feed you and show you some love, grace, and respect. 

However, they do not, but rather scold you or hit you to send you away with upsetting and harsh tones, emotions, and words. How would you feel? You are a human in this lifetime, but who knows what you will be in the next life, depending on your karma and soul contracts.

Before I conclude this article, I want to raise a vital concern here as an animal lover. If you hate animals or fear them, don’t hurt them. 

In the past, I witnessed people often adopting dogs or other pets for boast or just for the sake of it. Later, they either don’t know how to handle or care for them and abandon them, leaving them in a more stressful and traumatic state or harming them physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Please do not do this to these pure souls. You will hurt them and earn bad karma for hurting them. Pets are not just for show; they are a big responsibility, as we have towards our elders, each other, and kids. If you can’t love them, volunteer to give them shelter, water, and food. God made us humans. We are more blessed to be able to earn and cook for ourselves, but these souls cannot.

They depend on us; it is our social responsibility toward them and Mother Nature. We cannot only continue to receive from the universe, but we must also return some good karma to the universe and accept the responsibilities of such lovely beings. They are harmless unless we have the intent to harm them.

The only difference between us humans and these animals is the human body and their animal body. We are not separate from each other only because of our difference in physical appearance. We are all connected and belong to one divine light governing the cosmos. Being an animal is not a curse; we equally need them, it does not make them unacceptable, and they equally contribute to the survival of Mother Nature.

I mentioned all these facts here because it was evident from past life regressions of many of my acquaintances where they saw themselves incarnated as an animal or their current beloved pet incarnated as their blood relative in a past life. Souls are souls. They can come to us in any form to support us or get our support.

Remember, dogs are also considered sacred and connected to Lord Kaal Bhairav, known as Lord Bhairav. Respect all species. They deserve it.

Live in compassion and mercy for all beings and creatures on this planet, not just yourself and humanity. Even in anxiety or fear, if they bark at you or try to bite, show them your care and love, and they will change their attitude towards you, I can assure you.

It is high time that we give animals equality, respect, and compassion. Remember, if you can’t understand the emotions and needs of these innocent and speechless beings, you will never be able to understand human emotions.

To learn more about animal anatomy at the energetic level and heal them, read my previous posts on Animal Chakras and Healing Pets.

I hope and pray to God and Angels to bring more compassion in our hearts and souls towards self, other humans, and all being & species on Mother Earth.

Remember, we are one, we are love, and one love. Whatever we think and do will amplify back to us with the Law of Three!

Grace & Love - Tejaswini (a.k.a Sakshi Vaashiisht)

Should you need any assistance with animal communication and healing, you may contact me at

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