The Seven Chakras We have discussed the Chakras in our earlier posts to reveal what they are. Although there are many other chakras in our body and beyond our physical presence, we will focus on the seven main chakras in this post. What are they, how do they appear, and how do these chakras affect our lives when blocked, under-active, overactive, or active (open) balanced? The Muladhara or Root (Base) Chakra This chakra is at the base or root of the spine. The color associated with this chakra is ruby red or red. It represents the earth element, which allows us to stay grounded with our roots and connected with Mother Gaia (earth). It also represents a sense of security, especially financially. When this chakra is active or open and balanced, it gives us a sense of security, which means we will feel more supported, secure, grounded, calm, and peaceful within ourselves. If it becomes under-active or blocked, it makes you feel fearful towards the unknown, distres