The human body is not just limited to an effigy of flesh and bones ; it is beyond that. We have a deep and actual existence that we know . We are light , we are souls , and we are a part of that divine light of God. Did you know we all have an electromagnetic field, called the aura , around our physical body? An aura is made up of electromagnetic radiation, energies, and wavelengths and is a subtle vibration of the energies living in our bodies. These vibrations or wavelengths often affect our physical energy, chakras, moods, situations in life, thoughts, and characters. Sometimes these vibrations also reflect the diseases a human body is currently suffering from or could suffer in the future if not taken care of in time. We all have the power to see auras. However, with the greater use of technology and negative beliefs, most of us cannot see them with our naked eyes. To be able to see the auras, we need to practice self-discipline ...